Spruce Hills Community Church is a 16 year old church strategically located in the Town of Paradise, Newfoundland and Labrador. The Town of Paradise is one of the fastest growing communities in all of Atlantic Canada. The median age in our town is 35. Twenty-seven (27%) of our overall population is under the age of 19. We are a young, family-oriented church, which reflects the demographic and dynamics of our community. 


Our vision is to create space for people to explore faith in Jesus and grow together on purpose. Our mission is to become fully devoted followers of Jesus who be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what He would do if He would you.


We love meeting new people and it’s our goal to make you feel like you are at home when you visit our church.

We encourage you to stop by our cafe or bring your own coffee.

One of the members of our hospitality team will help you a seat.

Our worship team will lead us in a time of worship – during worship, we connect with God through singing some songs which helps us hear from him, express our gratitude to him, and gain perspective for life.

After some worship, there are three different ministries for kids under the age of 12 to be a part of. 

At the end of worship, our pastor or someone from our church will share a message from the bible to help you in your faith journey as you follow Jesus.

If you have any questions, you can email us at info@sprucehills.ca


THE BIBLE is the real and true Word of God. Although some parts require deep research and wisdom to understand, we believe it is without error and that every part is included for a reason (2 Tim 3:16, 17; 2 Peter 1:20,21; Psalm 119:160).

THERE IS ONE GOD who has existed for all of time as the three people of the Trinity – the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (Matt 28:18, 19; 2 Cor 13:14).

JESUS CHRIST is the Son of God who was born of a virgin and lived a perfect, sinless life. He was crucified so that humanity could experience forgiveness and freedom and rose to life after three days! After His resurrection He ascended to heaven and is now seated at the right hand of the Father until He returns again for His church (1 Peter 2:22).

SALVATION IS FOR ALL PEOPLE. Because Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins when He died on the cross, anyone who asks for forgiveness of their sins can receive it. He paid the price, so salvation is free for those who recognize and confess that Jesus is Lord. Anyone who repents and believes in Jesus is given the gift of eternal life (Rom 4:25; 2 Cor 5:17,18).

IN DOING OUR BEST to live as much like Jesus as we possibly can. We rely on the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives to teach us and develop our character (2 Cor 7:1).

THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT is still available for the church today, just as we read about in Acts 2:4. This Spirit baptism empowers and equips believers to continue the ministry of Jesus with boldness and authority and they operate in spiritual gifts that point people towards a clearer understanding of God (Acts 1:8; 2:4; Gal 5:22, 23; 1 Cor 12-14).

WATER BAPTISM is a public statement to others that you’re choosing to let your old life go and allowing God to make you new. It is a symbolic and obedient act that an individual chooses when they are old enough to make their own decisions, that they have buried their old life and have been born again (Matt 28:19; Acts 2:38).

THE LORD’S SUPPER, also called communion, is an ordinance that symbolizes the death and resurrection of Christ. We eat a cracker and drink grape juice to remind us of the death and resurrection of Jesus (1 Cor 11:23-26).

ETERNITY will be determined for all people when they have to give an account for their life spent on earth. Those who have chosen to follow Jesus will spend an eternity with God in Heaven, and those who do not believe will spend eternity separated from Him (1 Thess 4:13-18; Rev 20:11-15).